Introductory Scenario for Pocket Hero

Before beginning, you should create your character if you haven't already. Upon starting Pocket Hero (see the link at the bottom of this page if you don't have it yet) you'll be shown the "Attributes" screen where you can increase and decrease your score in each of the seven attributes. Each attribute starts at 2D (two dice). You have enough points to increase every attribute to 3D, but you may want to have higher scores in some attributes in exchange for lower scores in attributes you consider less important.

Use the D-Pad to move the cursor and the A button to select an element on the screen. You can push A over an attribute name to learn more about what that attribute is used for. Push A over the actual score to open a prompt to increase or decrease the score. When you are done assigning scores, push A over the icon in the upper right-hand corner to save your character and again to begin rolling dice.

Start this introductory scenario by reading prompt 1 below and following the instructions.


As you enter the saloon, you notice how quiet and empty it is. Only two men playing cards at one table and a solitary drunk at another. Suddenly, upon looking up from his cups, the drunk rises to his feet and staggers toward you.


You rolled a critical error on the Wild Die. A scenario may describe something unlucky that happens as a result of a critical error, or it may just represent a low total result. For this scenario, a critical error means an automatic failure.


"I don't want to have to hurt you" you threaten menacingly through a fierce glower. The drunk is intimidated by your display, and it shakes him out of his unprovoked stupor. He slowly backs away a few steps and then stumbles back to his table, sitting roughly and staring at his half-empty whiskey.

The bartenter appears at your side. "I'm glad he didn't try anything. We had some worse trouble with him yesterday. Let me offer you a drink on the house."


You decide to knock some sense into the drunk, but your reflexes must be off tonight, because you miss with your right hook as he lurches clumsily out of the way. He takes this chance to give you a shove squarely on the shoulders, which puts you off balance.

It is then that the bartender, having come swiftly around the bar at the first sign of trouble, reaches the two of you and grabs your assailant by the shirt collars. "I told you not to make trouble in here again. Now git!" he says as he shoves the drunk toward the swinging doors and plants a boot on his rear end for good measure. Turning to you he apoligizes, noting that his bouncer isn't due around for another fifteen minutes, and offers you a drink on the house.


Before you can decide whether he is a threat or not, the stranger makes a wild swing that connects with your stomach. At this point, you must make an Endurance roll to determine whether you take wounds. If your result is 5 or higher, you take no wounds. If your result is 3 or 4, you take one wound. If your result is 2, you take two wounds.

Now that he has acted, its your turn.


You rolled a critical succcess on the Wild Die. This always means you get to add the 6 to your total result and reroll the Wild Die. Pocket Hero takes care of adding the results and rerolls for you. In addition, a scenario may describe something lucky or exceptional that happens as the result of a critical success. In this scenario, it simply results in an automatic success.


You can make a Perception roll to convince your attacker to give up the fight and walk away, but it will take a silver tongue or an imposing demeanor to succeed at this Moderate difficulty action.


You manage to punch your assailant squarely in the jaw, which rattles him. Already staggering and out-of-sorts, he trips on his boots and falls to the floorboards with a pained groan.

It is then that the bartender, having come swiftly around the bar at the first sign of trouble, gives the drunk a kick in the rear and exclaims "I told you not to make trouble in here again. When you can stand again you're gonna gather your things and get out." He then apologizes to you and offers you a drink on the house.


If you decide to attack your opponent, you must make another Reflexes roll for hand-to-hand combat. The difficulty of hitting an attack is usually 10, but this man leaves an opening in his defenses and the number to beat is lower. However, if you took wounds at prompt 5, you must subtract 1 or 2 from your Reflexes result.


You're quicker on your feet than your opponent, so you get to make the first move.


Since the Wild Die didn't show a result of 1 or 6, nothing special happens for this Reflexes roll. Its a simple success or failure.


To find out who acts first you must make a Reflexes roll. Pay attention to the first result on the Wild Die in case the scenario asks for it.


With the encounter over and nothing more to do about it, you decide to retire to your rooms upstairs.


The man is not convinced, and this time he attempts to give you a shove squarely on the shoulders. However, he misjudges his momentum and ends up tripping on his own boots, landing hard on his side and groaning in pain on the floorboards.

It is then that the bartender, having come swiftly around the bar at the first sign of trouble, gives the drunk a kick in the rear and exclaims "I told you not to make trouble in here again. When you can stand again you're gonna gather your things and get out." He then apologizes to you and offers you a drink on the house.


This is a short adventure designed to show how OpenD6 and Pocket Hero can work in a typical scene. Try it again a few times to familiarize yourself with the system and experience the results of different choices and attribute rolls. You may like to write your own text adventures using these rules, and that's easy with a text editor that can publish to HTML or PDF. For further information about the OpenD6 system, you can find the official rulebook at the following links and stay tuned for detailed rules explanations on this website.


This scenario in its entirety is Open Game Content used and provided under the terms of the Open Game License. It is based on Open Game Content published in D6 Adventure by Purgatory Publishing.

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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
D6 Adventure (WEG51011), Copyright 2004, Purgatory Publishing Inc
Introductory Scenario for Pocket Hero, Copyright 2023, Eric Abides.
West End Games, WEG, and D6 System are trademarks and properties of Purgatory Publishing Inc.
Product Identity: The D6 System; the D6 trademarks, the D6 and related logos and any derivative trademarks not specified as Open Game Content; and all cover and interior art and trade dress are designated as Product Identity (PI) and are properties of Purgatory Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
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